Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, here we are. Finally at the end. The paper is due this coming Saturday, and I don't think anyone has done any additional surveys for about 2 weeks now. I have been working nearly non-stop over the last several days on the final write-up. I think I have a final subject figured out and it is nearly complete. Just need to add some more data from my surveys. I won't explain everything that it is about because it will be published on the www.rateadrug.com site and I want you to take a look at there. For a teaser, though, I will say that my final article covers ground that apparently relatively few studies have covered before. It should prove to be a good read. After all of the work I have put in, I think that it will be a good paper, but that remains to be seen. Typically when I put in the same amount of work on other things, I get grades in the A ranges, so we will see.

Today I don't have a drug feature, I just wanted to talk about the paper and the end briefly, but later this week I will post my last and final feature. That is part of why I am not going to do one today, I don't want the one that I am going to finish off with to seem less by comparison. It might be possible, I don't want to get your hopes up, but it might be possible to have a video posted. Can't guarantee anything, but sure gonna try.
That is about all for right now, things are winding down well, and I have kept busy with this final write-up.
I would also like to give public credit to my editor, without whose help I would not be so good at this thing.

So, until later I will to get everything done so that I can have a really cool final feature. See you all later, I have some homework I have been neglecting!

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