Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thinking a loud.

Unfortunately due to time constraints I won't be able to do a full post tonight, but I hope to be able to just talk briefly about some cool things that are going on.

I recently spoke with Cathleen Marshall who is one of the people in charge of the internship. She told me a really good idea, which was to find and speak with people who are in online groups and communities that deal with the medications that I am looking into. I did this today and I am happy to report that there seems to already be some progress.
I was worried about doing this because the last thing that I wanted to do was come off as a 'slimy' guy who was trying to capitalize on someone's illness. Like those awful lawyers who do commercials on tv telling people how much money they can get by taking people to court over traffic accidents - disgusting. But, it seems that people thus far have felt that my attempts were genuine. Cathleen also sent me the code lines so that I can link directly to surveys that have been completed. That will be a cool resource too.

I sincerely hope that those who look at can get some answers and maybe give some as well. Especially in regards to those who suffer from chronic nerve pain. That can be so frustrating. I have taken care of kids who have this condition and just to touch their skin can be really painful for them. There is a surprising lack of knowledge on RAD concerning neurological medications. That is something I aim to correct.

In medicine there is often a lack of communication. Teams do not communicate with each other, doctors do no communicate with patients and patients do not communicate with doctors. There are of course the usual questions and relay of basic information, but there needs to be something more. Finding the right diagnosis is not just a matter of getting the right answer it is often a matter of asking the right questions.

Anyway, thank you for coming and reading my thoughts aloud. Later this week I shall post my 'Drug of the Week' feature.
Stay tuned!
Same blogger address, same blogger channel.

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