Monday, May 18, 2009

For more info.

My name is Tristan Bennett and I am a premed student at the University of Utah. If you are checking this out then you should have recieved a flier on your door talking about telling you to do some surveys and check out this blog for more info, but no matter all are welcome!
Surveys range from anything you have ever taken - you can do as many as you like - and from hard prescription stuff to over-the-counter supplements.

If you choose to do a survey please go to, type in the name of the medication you want to survey, click the link that says 'take the survey' and fill it out. If you are not comfortable entering your personal email you can enter; that is my email and will work just fine.
At the end of the survey - after you have pressed submit for the first time - the survey will ask how you heard about; please enter premedprogram/TB927 in the two drop down menus so I can get credit for having talked to you.

Thanks for your interest! Be sure to read other posts on this blog so you can see more about what we are all about; and post comments about your thoughts and questions!

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